Greetings from the Crew at TheaXiomNetwork!
Well, we’re almost there. “There” being “Launch Day”. For the past 8 months or so we’ve been working daily (almost) to get to this point where everything seemingly is in place, checked and rechecked. We realized we may have created something that is either a huge waste of time or we’re on the cutting edge of an entirely new ministry paradigm.
There is so much to say but for now we just want to welcome you to TheaXiomNetwork. It promises to be an exciting adventure and we look forward to working with you and other pastors, church leaders and congregations to elevate the dialog of “online evangelism” in the local church in America.
In His Name & for His Sake Alone,
Rev. Don Walley
PS. We invite all comments and we hope you will encourage like-minded pastors to join us so together we are Changing Hearts, Growing Churches, Transforming the Web!
Soli Deo Gloria